The parrots and me

Well, today I speak about the big significate of this picture for me.

who know me well he know that I always have done afraid animals. For this, this picutre need a respect and a big admiration!!!hahahaha

It's really surprising that I'm having a picture with an animal and I'm not seem to be afraid.

This picutre is in Tenerife one day that our parents let us go to the center alone with by bus, and, when we went to get the bus I was look a man with these parrots and I decided to get a photo with them. The conditions that put the gentleman ,who was missing one eye, was that he let do four photos with our camera and we him two pictures with his camera and later he takes the pictures in our hotel. And Jordi, Màrius, Gerard and David no believe the poor man and for this they not wanted pay eight euros, but, I thought that I had to risk and I paid the eight euros and the most surprise is that the day following morning I recibed my photo with this beautiful parrots!!:D

With this story I want to teach that if we are to get one thing you have to fight to end as much as the situation is difficult to make.

good weekend people!!
