My idol!!

I'm not crazy, hahaha, this is the form taht greet ourselves Mercè and I.

Well, today I present you my idol!
He is Risto Mejide!!!!

Do you know¿?¿?
Yes!!of course!!

Risto Mejide is licensed in ADE by UB. He inside the world of the advertising and the communication, he was The Creative Director of someone the most recognized agencies of Spain, and also, He has been working with clients like Vodafone, Munreco, Diageo, IKEA ó BMW. Nowadays he is The Creative Director in AFTERSHARE.TV, He's a teacher to creativity of Communication and Advertising of the High school of design in Pompeu Fabra and also colaborate with "operación Triunfo".

This "snt Jordi" he has published a book that his name is: "el pensamiento negativo", I have it and when I read it I laught a lot because he's a BIG PERSON!!!
The pages of book begins to back because he say that when he was little he didn't like read and for this always he count the pages for the end of the book.

And, also, where I laught a lot, is in OT because he say the things as he think!!

Bye bye!!


_mrcee* said...

baaaaaaaaaaaaa :)