Do you know the history behind Palm Sunday, Mourn Day Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday?

Palm Sunday - Jesus entered Jerusalem
Mourn Day Thursday -- The Last Supper was held.
Good Friday - Very strange the English call the day Jesus was crucified and died - Good Friday!
Easter Sunday - Jesus resurrection.

Todays reality: Palm Sunday the Children carry a decrative palm with chocolate, sweets and wear new clothes. Only for this do the children wait.

Mourn Day Thursday: We should be remembering Jesus and the last supper but we do nothing - bu we do have no school!!

Good Friday: The day Jesus died and the people have holidays, family meals...

Easter Sunday: Now Godparents give their gochildren chocolate mones with cartoon characters, more eathing and holiday.

Commercialism has one more time of people transformed a religious festival. Also the majority of people don't know the history of our religion, and we are a Catholic country!
The best example is me because I also had to look for in formation in the Encyclopedia!
I think that we shouldn't lose our customs, because, if we lose them, other religions grow stronger and we will be only commercial.

Good bye friends!