My favourite singer!


It's been the longest winter without you
Ha sigut el més llarg hivern sense tu
I didn't know where to turn to
Jo no sabia on anar per
See somehow i can't forget you
veure d'alguna manera que no puc oblidar que
After all that we've been through
Després de tot el que hem sigut a través de
Thought I heard a knock
Vaig pensar que havia sentit un cop
Thinking that
Pensant que
Now i have realised
Ara s'han donat compte de
that i really didn't know
que realment no ho sabia
If you didn't notice
Si tu no tens noticies
You mean everything
tu ho coneixes tot
To love again
per estimar una altra vegada
I'm be ok
Jo estic bé
Thought i couldn't live without you
Vaig pensar que no podria viure sense tu
It's going to hurt when it heals too
Això farà mal quan es curi, també
Even though I really love you
Encara que realment t'estim-hi
I'm gonna smile because i deserve too
Somriuré, perquè jo també m'ho mareixo.
I couldn't turn on the TV
No podria engegar la tv
Without something that would remind me
sense res que em recordi
NegretaWas it all that easy?
Va ser tot tan fàcil?
To just put us out your feeling
Només ens ha posat al seu sentiment
If I'm dreaming
Si jo estic sumiant
Don't want to let it
No em vull despertar
But that's the past
Però això és el passat
And I know that, time will heal it
I sé que, el temps ho curarà
Since there's no more you and me
Desde que no ha res entre tu i jo
This time I let you go so i can be free
Aquesta vegada et deixo marxar, aiqí que jo puc ser lliure
And Live my life how it should be
i viure la meva vida tal i com ha de ser
No matter how hard it is
No importa si és difícil
I will be fine without you
Estaré bé sense tu
Yes I Will
Sí, ho seré

I love this song!!!
I playing this song with my piano.



_mrcee* said...

Ohh, I love this song! it one of my favorite! Well a part of Beyonce, wiht the song SINGL LADIES i know that you know wich is, it's very famous in fama, (good program ;))
Well, if you play this song, one day Will you play for me? lol.

kisses :)