English proverbs

Do you know the meaning of (in catalan) these English proverbs?

-He teaches ill, who teaches all
It means that the teacher who teaches students everything, des not teach well. A good teacher lets students discover some things for themselves.

-Even a worm will turn
Even a worm, the simplest of animals, will defend itself.

-One tongue is enough for a woman
Some people think that women talk too much. If they already talk to much, they don't need another tongue. One tongue is sufficient. This proverb is another way of saying that women talk too much.

- Bad news travels fast
People quickly pass on information about "bad" things like accidents, death, illness, etc. But "good news" (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job, etc) travels more slowly.

-Birds of a feather flock together
The proverb means that people of the same type stay together. They don't mix with people of another type.


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