My favourite photo


I love this photo because all year I wait for this moment, to relax on the beach and forget about problems, sudly, etc.
When I look at this photo I imagine the sound of the water, the feel of the warm sand and the peaceful quiet of a plane in the sky. I wish it was summer now!


Summer breeze
summer long
I'll sing to you
my summer song

Read a poem
A summer song
It isn't long
It's just a song

From my heart
a poem long
but not at all
my summer song

My sommer long
is something special
a poem, a song
to my heart belong

Summer breeze
summer long
I'll sing to you
my summer song

A Special event!


This weekend there are Barraques in Figueres. This year only weekend because the council say that they don't have money! This year I will go three nights: Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
I will be very tired but it will be a lot of fun. Thursday is Mago de Oz and on Friday there is Nena Daconte (this is the one I really like). Also we will go to the fair, I like the dangerous rides.
Sunday I will need to sleep all day.
Well, I don't explian more because I'm angry it is only on for one weekend and in the middle of exams time!

the theory of barraques:



There we are!


I don't watch a lot of TV or films, but I like this programme because there are young people dancing. The music is modern and good, and the dancing incredible.
Yesterday, the programme finished and the winner was a Catalan boy!, Sergi. I liked Raquel, because I think that she is the best dancer and for this she was be the best also for her teachers.
I will miss this programme because it was my entretainment sinse I arrived in my home until six o'clock.
And my question is....
Now what will I watch on TV?


My TOP 10 places


1 - The beach: especially the beaches in Manorca
2 - My study room: it is quiet and relaxing
3 - The sofa: relax!
4 - In the village square with my friends
5 - The mountains: I love to ski
6 - My music class
7 - Germany: I like the houses there
8 - To travel on a ship: a cruise would be great!
9 - The restaurant Locanda: Their cuori pasta is fantastic!
10 - My bed!

hahaha, my worst place is...THE INSTITUTE!

good luck friends!

My plans for the summer


In July I finish the institute forever! This summer my friends and I will go travelling (no parents!). We will go to the beach and discos, but the location has not been decided yet, possibly Mallorca or Eivissa. Also we will dance with a finel course of Esbart, here in Castelló, and the final course of music. After I will begin to work with my father and in the afternoons I will go to the beach with my boyfreind and my friends.
At the end of the summer I will travel with my family, again we do not know where.
Finally I will go to Barcelona to start sutidnt at University!

I think that this summer will be different because I will be passed to another part of my life.

I hope that all goes well!

see you!*

The new education Low


I feel very strongly about the new education haw. From next year the Batxillerat will be different. Now I am doing 3 hours of my specialised subjects (science) a week, and also 3 hours of the normal subjects: catalan, spanish, ...etc. In the selectivitat we have done presentations of these subjects, and equal amount of thime for each.
Next year the young people will be doing 2 hours. of the normal subjects and 4 hours of specialised sbjects and concerning selectivitat the subjects will be more important for final results than the specialised subjects.
This is not normal because more thime is spent studying the specialised subjects so they should be the most important!

I am lucky that this year I finish.


good weekend!!


3rd TERM!!


first "Castelló dansa"


Here you find the information about our festival.


My favourite singer!

It's been the longest winter without you
Ha sigut el més llarg hivern sense tu
I didn't know where to turn to
Jo no sabia on anar per
See somehow i can't forget you
veure d'alguna manera que no puc oblidar que
After all that we've been through
Després de tot el que hem sigut a través de
Thought I heard a knock
Vaig pensar que havia sentit un cop
Thinking that
Pensant que
Now i have realised
Ara s'han donat compte de
that i really didn't know
que realment no ho sabia
If you didn't notice
Si tu no tens noticies
You mean everything
tu ho coneixes tot
To love again
per estimar una altra vegada
I'm be ok
Jo estic bé
Thought i couldn't live without you
Vaig pensar que no podria viure sense tu
It's going to hurt when it heals too
Això farà mal quan es curi, també
Even though I really love you
Encara que realment t'estim-hi
I'm gonna smile because i deserve too
Somriuré, perquè jo també m'ho mareixo.
I couldn't turn on the TV
No podria engegar la tv
Without something that would remind me
sense res que em recordi
NegretaWas it all that easy?
Va ser tot tan fàcil?
To just put us out your feeling
Només ens ha posat al seu sentiment
If I'm dreaming
Si jo estic sumiant
Don't want to let it
No em vull despertar
But that's the past
Però això és el passat
And I know that, time will heal it
I sé que, el temps ho curarà
Since there's no more you and me
Desde que no ha res entre tu i jo
This time I let you go so i can be free
Aquesta vegada et deixo marxar, aiqí que jo puc ser lliure
And Live my life how it should be
i viure la meva vida tal i com ha de ser
No matter how hard it is
No importa si és difícil
I will be fine without you
Estaré bé sense tu
Yes I Will
Sí, ho seré

I love this song!!!
I playing this song with my piano.


My catalonia!

Catalunya has a wealth of customs, traditions and festivals. In the local holidays there are animation in the squares and in the streets.

The Sardana is considered the nacional dance of Catalonia, with the tpypical wind instruments of Cobla. The "dansa de bastons" and “Jota” of the Terres de l’Ebre are other folk dances, while the songs of Havaneres, typical of the beach, they remember the past of the colonies overseas.

Another very important cultural event is the lifting of human castles, custom originated in the Camp de Tarragona. The groups of “castellers” rival to form the castles of better structure and greater height of up to nine floors, which was crowned with the “enxaneta”, a child who, perched above all, raise your arm while the sounds of chirimía.

A perfect combination of sentiment and culture is the celebration of St. George, patron of Catalonia. Every April 23 the streets are filled with flowers and books. A few days later, on April 27, is a credit to the patron saint of Catalonia: the Mare de Deu de Montserrat.

See you!!


EATING through Christmas
SHINING of the tree
SINGING for the familly
SMILING snowman
TALKING about turron
LAUGHING in the snow
SHIVERING ice and cold
SLEEPING on the ski



A description of my favourite actor!

Jim Carrey
is an actor and a comedian that is well known around the world for his comedy films but also had made other types of films. When you look at him you see a crazy man because his eyes are very big and expressive and his mouth is very big and always is smiling. He is characterized by do madness things in his films so maybe he has a creative mind because he does creative jokes. He seems very friendly and funny and I'm sure that he is as it. There is people that doesn't like him but I think that he is a very good actor. A thing that surprised me from him is that he went to receive an award and he said that he is going to put this in his ass when I heard this I laughed for five minutes. I think that he is very humorous.

English proverbs


Do you know the meaning of (in catalan) these English proverbs?

-He teaches ill, who teaches all
It means that the teacher who teaches students everything, des not teach well. A good teacher lets students discover some things for themselves.

-Even a worm will turn
Even a worm, the simplest of animals, will defend itself.

-One tongue is enough for a woman
Some people think that women talk too much. If they already talk to much, they don't need another tongue. One tongue is sufficient. This proverb is another way of saying that women talk too much.

- Bad news travels fast
People quickly pass on information about "bad" things like accidents, death, illness, etc. But "good news" (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job, etc) travels more slowly.

-Birds of a feather flock together
The proverb means that people of the same type stay together. They don't mix with people of another type.


See you soon!

Learning to drive


Hello friends!,
This month I will be 18 years old; for this I began driving lessons. Hopefully by my birthday I will be able to drive! Now I will explain my first classes.
On Monday at seven o'clock at night I went to the driving school and I met a friend whose birthday is the same day as mine. I was nervous but when I saw my friend I felt better. The instructor took me to the industrial estate and gave me control of the car!!
I don't think I was too bad because I did not stall the car the whole class and I did not hit anything or anyone!
All went well unitl the instructor took me to a roundabout in Castelló! It made me nervous.
The sec ond class, I felt calmer. The instructor made me go towards Empuriabrava and I thought, "OK"!, But when we arrived to Empuriabrava the instructor told me, "now towards Roses-Cadaqués and I thought..."OK"!
There were a lot of cars, and when we arrived in Roses we entered in a dead end street and the instructor told me: "Now, go in reverse"...and I said..."Ok! but I had only two classes!". The instructor told me "Don't worry Laia", ..."so...ok..."! All was good.
So far my driving lessons are enjoyable. Tomorrow I will do another class, lets see how that class is. I will let you know!

Good night!!*